Slasher Girls (Sonnet)

Created through the jGnoetry generation tool. Texts from Final Girls by Madison Hoffman and Chapter 2 of Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig. Used sonnet formatting.

Veronica rubbed her account other

Citizens held onto its hooks, and the

Bloody stairs. The intruder, and grew in

The top. They all decided to see her.

That yanked open her in the effect

Was still, maybe there was struggling to the

“I wish the fourth of the internet was first

Fucking night and expensive front of a

Seat at a child grew well, a window, but

Stopped facilities. She’d been dislodged

And her account she ran down on a charm

extra credit was trying to see her

Breath, and took years of exasperation.

The handle the shadows and lines it didn’t see.

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